by Stas | Aug 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
M-580 : HOW CONTAINER HANDLING COSTS UNDERMINED SERVICE BY STAS MARGARONIS, RBTUS.COM In September, the Port of Stockton says it is discontinuing the M-580 tug/barge service between the California Ports of Stockton and Oakland. One factor: high costs for loading...
by Stas | Jul 28, 2014 | Uncategorized
American Shipper: Impact of New Maersk, MSC Alliance By Stas Margaronis, RBTUS The P3 Alliance between Maersk Lines, Mediterranean Shipping Company and CMA/CGM dissolved due to Chinese antitrust concerns and resulted in two of the former three P3 members organizing ...
by Stas | Jul 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
Save M-580 Campaign Heats Up By Stas Margaronis, A Port of Stockton spokesman said the year old M-580 tug barge service between the Ports of Oakland and Stockton could be discontinued unless a new operator takes over the service. The spokesman said that a...
by Stas | Jun 4, 2014 | Uncategorized
AB 2145: LANCASTER OPPOSES CA LEGISLATION UNDERMINING LOCAL POWER DEVELOPERS [youtube] [/youtube] BY STAS MARGARONIS, RBTUS.COM Heather Swan, Senior Project Coordinator, Lancaster Power Authority (LPA) is concerned that her city’s efforts...
by Stas | May 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
MAY 4, 2014 By Roy L Hales, ECO REPORT The second of California’s community choice aggregates (CCA) was launched amidst state legislation (AB 2145) that could restrict further competition with established utilities. Sonoma Clean Power opened on on May 1, 2014,...