S.F. Bar Pilots Hail New Low Emission Pilot Boat Golden Gate

by | Oct 20, 2023 | Uncategorized

Champagn Christening of Pilot Boat Golden Gate on October 12th, 2023 in San Francisco


By Stas Margaronis

The San Francisco Bar Pilots christened their new pilot boat the Golden Gate hailing it as the next generation of low emission vessel technology for the San Francisco Bay.

The Bar Pilots said that the Golden Gate, which replaces a vessel under the same name, “is a state-of-the-art pilot vessel that advances the organization’s sustainability goals and whose funding was made possible through last year’s Assembly Bill 2056 legislation authored by California Assembly Member Timothy Grayson (D-Concord).”

On October 12th, Captain David McCloy, S.F. Bar Pilots, told an audience at the christening ceremony that took place at Pier 9 in San Francisco: “I am pretty sure we’re still the first Tier 4  (low emission) compliant pilot boat in the United States right now …It was quite a big deal … to put a vessel like this in service (during the) pandemic and supply chain issues.”

According to Diesel.net: “On May 11, 2004, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) signed a final rule introducing Tier 4 emission standards, which were phased-in over the period of 2008-2015. The Tier 4 standards require that emissions of PM and NOx be further reduced by about 90%. These emission reductions have been achieved through the use of advanced exhaust gas aftertreatment (sic) technologies, with most Tier 4 engine families using urea-SCR catalysts for NOx control.”[1]

McCloy said the San Francisco Bar Pilots sought to build a pilot boat that met California Air Resources Board (CARB) harbor vessel requirements on emissions, while still providing a safe and quiet boat for crew members: “We really focused on … meeting the CARB requirements.”

At the same time, the Bar Pilots wanted to “build a boat that could do the work we do and … to reduce sound, to reduce vibration, all the things that affect the crew. I’m a pilot. I’m on there for an hour or so at a time, but the crew, they’re on 12 hours a day, seven days a week… And why build a boat that isn’t quiet and isn’t comfortable? So that’s what one of the things we really focused on … ergonomics, ventilation, everything.”

Capt. John Carlier, President of the San Francisco Bar Pilots noted: “The new Golden Gate’s cutting-edge engine and technology will allow us to transfer to and from ships safely and efficiently with added maneuverability and speed, meaning safer trips and faster service for the ships calling into the pilotage ground.”

Mike Jacob, incoming President of the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association said: “We represent the ocean carriers who are the customers of the Bar Pilots on the Bay. And I really want to thank John (Carlier, President SF Bar Pilots) and Anne (McIntyre, Business Director, S.F. Bar Pilots) … There is an old saying in the press that you do not cover the airport when planes land safely. The pilots working together to really invest in new technology, cleaner technology are making it possible … to reduce the air pollution and provide more efficient service to our members who are the Bar Pilots’ customers, and make sure that this is a model for other pilot boats as they go forward. “

The Bar Pilots said in an October 12th news release that the recent pandemic accentuated outdated funding processes and one of the major tenets of California Assembly Bill 2056 was to revise the pilot boat surcharge. As a result, the new surcharge “increases flexibility and the time horizon over which pilot vessel construction is funded. These updates are critical in providing the Bar Pilots with the ability to respond to an accelerated fleet replacement schedule brought about by new California Air Resources Board (CARB) emission regulation.”

Captain Anne McIntyre, Business Director of the San Francisco Bar Pilots said: “We are grateful to the many partners who were instrumental in the process of bringing the new pilot vessel Golden Gate to reality.”

In his remarks, California Assembly Member Timothy Grayson commended McIntyre for … her work in making the new vessel possible: “Though there are many that are here in this crowd today that are worthy of commendation and worthy of recommendation, I do want to recognize one individual for their … outstanding leadership in the maritime industry. I would like to recognize Captain Anne McIntyre.”



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